Friday, April 23, 2010
Best Surround Reciever
I am today for the first time in the apartment of Betty's grandmother was. The love great grandma dares not out of the house because she has been dropped years ago once and can therefore had to operate. She seems a little bit of suffering Alzheimer's and is a plus that chocolate is good for the teeth. Her husband is dead, now she lives alone in a rather large apartment in one of the better roads in central Palermo. The house where I live with my host family it belongs third party would contribute and they should have saved a graphic sum, to be able later to pay any nursing home or hospital stays. She is sympathetic to me, even though our conversations always turn to it, and I tell her every time all over again that I am Austrian woman. :-) But back to
Wohung: In order to be able to spend in this apartment for a week, I would pay, really. It has many large rooms that are equipped with nothing but great things ... Beautiful, old furniture, Setzkaesten with hundreds of small figures made of glass, metal and wood, old hat and Zeitungsstaender, photos, paintings, old newspapers and books, antique china, kitschy dolls and hats and about a thousand Drawers and boxes, all of whom would durchzuwuehlen. The living room has a box full of sweets, is in the corner is a rocking chair with colorful pillows and front of the TV to an old, gray-brown-black sofa in the years ... 70?
Oh, I felt like I would have stayed there and tell all the stories about all the objects and things can be.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Pregnant Congratulation Note
buns with Panelle and croquettes. Panelle: A kind of fried pancake made from oil, salt, water and chickpea flour.
buns with roast spleen ... I've never eaten, and I did not eat even before ... waaaaaaah
Sfincione: A variation of pizza, the dough of Sfincione, however, higher and slightly sweetened. Heufig he is covered with tomatoes, olives, garlic, onions, anchovies and pecorino.
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Easter is the artichoke-time. They are filled with oil, garlic and spices and then placed in the glowing coals of a grill. But they taste like cooked simply delicious. However, I have only muessen lernen, wie man sie isst ...
:-) Ich bin voll verliebt in diese Pflanz, gefaellt mir schon so gut allein ihre Form.
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Black Pasta (Faerbt sich durch den Tintenfisch)
Baked Pasta
Spaghetti with Clams (Venusmuscheln)
Pasta with tuna, pasta with broccoli, pasta with artichokes , pasta with sauce, pasta with pesto, white pasta, pasta with sauce and bread, pasta with ricotta cheese, pasta with sardines, pasta with eggplant, pasta with zucchini, pasta with pumpkin, pasta alla carbonara, pasta with meat sauce, pasta and beans, noodles, pasta with salmon, pasta with zucchini e gamberetti spaghetti ai frutti di mare, lasagne ..... cut
Sunday, April 11, 2010
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the ricotta is my absolute favorite product here. Just everything is made with ricotta cheese, is delicious ...
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Cannolo (plural: cannoli ) is the name of a filled pastries from Sicily. It consists of a fried dough roll with a sweet creamy filling of ricotta cheese, the addition of vanilla, cocoa, chocolate chips or candied fruit enthalten kann.
Cannoli waren ursprünglich eines von verschiedenen Schmalzgebaecken, die in der Fastenzeit gegessen wurden, werden jetzt aber das ganze Jahr über hergestellt. Sie werden heute überall in Italien von größeren Bäckereien und Restaurants angeboten.
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Cassata alla siciliana ist eine berühmte italienische Schichttorte aus Sizilien, die ursprünglich nur zu Ostern und zu Hochzeiten serviert wurde.
Sie besteht aus einer Creme aus Ricotta und Zucker, die abwechselnd mit Pan di Spagna , einer Buiskuitart, in eine Schüssel oder Form geschichtet und gut gekühlt, gestürzt and is served covered with a glaze made of sugar or chocolate cream. This cake is decorated with candied fruits and patterns of colored icing. Depending on the recipe for Cassata be pistachio or pine nuts, bits of dark chocolate, cinnamon, Orangenbluetenwasser, Maraschino liqueur or orange added.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
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the Easter Sunday was I spent with Betty, the children, Giovanni, his parents and nieces in San Martino. We have almost the whole afternoon and then grilled, as is usual on Easter, Cassata eaten. We had great weather and so are all the day been outside. Giovanni's mom is really nice to me-a real grandma. I just got on well with her and talked to her about traditions and pastries.
On Easter Monday, however, I have been with friends in a cottage in Carini. Again we had a barbecue, drinking wine and eating Cassata. :-)
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I've always been a person who has found in even the most annoying situation at least a glimmer of positive, of the Situation has given a meaning. In the month of March, however, I would have almost lost this property ...
It has everything on 2 March begun. Mirko has after an operation two weeks at home have to spend without being able to go outside. After that, Alessio has become twice as sick and he had finally recovered, Mirko got a fever ...
you will think you now: What, and why they matter for jerks like that?
Yes, because I have never before happened in my life, being forced to spend nearly 5 weeks behind four walls and no time for me to have themselves. I can indeed start from the evening, but for riding, practicing flute, running, etc. am I not come. Also appears me everything I do with the children, so senseless.
I can see the objects that we have tinkered together and I experience skills I've taught them and I can now and looking forward to about one or other educational technical progress, but in the end I did not get through. I'm not happy that the mother after twice But no again says yes and the children get everything they want. Breaks a toy, we now hold a new, I find I not, I take this of my brother, without him asking. They seem to know no boundaries, and especially about the younger people I have annoyed me very often ...
description of the younger child
Mirko looks at first Look totally sweet. He has a sweet voice and manages to be sympathetic to any right away. He is very athletic, brave and incredibly stubborn. I personally feel very nice of him taken for a ride and I have very often about him annoyed, because I think he is wrong.
On the one hand, I'm his best friend, because I'm the only one who plays with him like a Sechsjaehrige with horses, cars and superhero figures. I'm the one night he asked for nine to provide him to assist in the execution of any craft ideas.
On the other hand, he treats me like the biggest A. ....... Examples: I hear that he got up and went into the living room to watch TV, get up too and welcome him with "Good morning, Mirko. His answer: "Be still, otherwise I hear nothing from the movie." Later I ask him what he wanted to eat for breakfast, he said: "Be quiet, or I'll thump you a damper on the remote control." Words and phrases such as "asshole, stupid / r, mad / r, I'll kill you, I kick you in the face of this and that" belong to his vocabulary, which he uses of course only for me and his brother.
can course the elder (Alessio) also be cruel, but it does not at least hidden. The smaller one to make efforts to extremely so, before Mom, Grandpa and relatives to be always of the Brave.
Will he not do something, he hits and he enters, and because he so fast is, I've already gotten one or the other blue stain. In a dispute with his brother, it is possible that he nachwirft this a stone or the skate board.
I have personally started to ignore him in a situation in which he behaves like a madman, easy. This works quite well. Finally, it is not interesting to scream and rage when no one cares for it.
The problem is that he let others win again and again. Whether his mother, his aunt, his grandmother-in effect, they do it all and it is forgiven him everything. Alessio they are much stricter. It struck me also that most of the relatives and friends of the family much more with it to concern as to Alessio. He is everybody's darling. This is so unfair.