Thursday, August 26, 2010

Is It Normal For Wegdies

Der kleine Unterschied

has really changed in the last week not so much.
I stand at 6.30 clock. The morning route is possible with 5 minutes short.
There is then thrown with things like key performance indicators, SMART Principle and Evaluation Tool around. At lunch, I wonder about the adventurous compilation. At 17 it's clock back to the accommodation and dinner in a relaxed atmosphere for a beer is drunk.
Ok, the cafeteria food I have, is in contrast to the "meal of today" the african station selection and quite as wild as combinations of noodles with mashed potatoes, carrots, and strange meat is not even in the cafeteria.

The road and river name (From rivers that do not exist at this time of year) are strongly reminiscent of the colonial era. So I cross over daily to the Bach and the Bethovenstrasse. Windhoek West and elsewhere is shaped very European. Unfortunately I could not yet see much of it, since it is already 18 clock dark and then you better not staying on the road.
is quite different, the district Katatura. Yesterday I asked a colleague if I would go with him after work typical Namibian meal. We took a taxi to the center of Katatura, a large, covered with sheet metal market. There, we bought only bread (tastes similar to a German donuts) and then looked for one of the many grills. Given that dann riesige Fleischberge gegrillt. Man nimmt sich die halbfertigen bzw. fertigen Stuecke direkt vom Grill, taucht sie noch wahlweise in Salz und Gewuerze und isst sie.

Jona fuehrte mich dann noch etwas herum. So wie in Katatura hatte ich mir Afrika vorgestellt. Da war Action auf der Strasse. Die kleinen Jungs spielten ueberall  Fussball, vor jedem zweiten Haus wurde etwas verkauft, die Leute sassen vor ihren Blechhuetten und als Weisser fuelte man sich irgendwie fehl am Platz. Jona zeigte mir auch noch seine Wohnung, ein winziges Zimmer mit einem Bett, einem Nachttischschrank und einem Fernseher. Sonst nichts. Das war schon seltsam, wenn man sieht wie schick angezogen er taeglich zur Arbeit kommt. Mit dem Taxi fuhr I back to the hostel. Taxi driving costs the equivalent of 70 cents, a fixed price. Since there are no other public transportation, this is where every taxi. Go of it here even more than regular cars. Getting close to the road, told the passing taxis wherever you want and if the direction of fit and still have room is free, gets in one.

Today was national holiday, Herrero Day, in memory of the breakaway. Our organization has been working anyway. Since nearly all employees will be working on Sunday, a compromise was reached, which we have tomorrow and Saturday off.
The goal of Junior Achievement Namibia, it is as much as possible children and young people, in addition to school, skills to provide for their future career, for example by application and Praesentationstrainings and in the context of business simulation games, where the young people their own business reasons. The next project is a leadership camp. Ausgwewaehlten with young people, we go into their winter vacation from Sunday to Wednesday in a camp outside of Windheok. There, they received 4 days Fuehrungsfaehigkeiten team and taught.
The work in the office is great fun, as are all employees (total 5) early 20s and studying some more. If the manager level is not there, because also like to sit together over coffee and talk. The language in the office is English, every now feallt one or the other word in Afrikaans. The Englich is somewhat different from what I previously lived in England or USA am. Not being messed with here is my nice American English;)

On the night in the hostel room Troubel I got used to very quickly. Of these, I wake up no longer even on. Therefore, my skin can not really get used to the water. And something must be here in the air that I am constantly tired. But tomorrow I can sleep in fortunately for now. Then I will enjoy the beautiful weather at the hostel permanently pool and explore a bit Windheok.

(pictures will follow. However, uploading the hostel would probably take decades PC)


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