Thursday, September 30, 2010

Where To Buy Old Versions Of Dreamweaver

Auf gehts zum Etosha Nationalpark

Last weekend I stayed in Windhoek, on the one hand, because here in the capital pretty much was going on, on the other hand, because today I start again to a bigger trip. 4 days was on the campus of the University of Namibia Cultural Festival. Friday night, we wanted to see the show again, but were a bit disappointed. Gave up on 2 stands with typical African Jewelry there are only very many barbecue and drink stalls. Later during the night bands played from the various regions of Namibia on the big stage of the show field. For our taste, but this was a bissl too much gangsta and a little rap;)

After I fell last week by shopping fever at the Windhoek Street Market, we had for the afternoon one of the German DED Volunteers for grand opening of the "Soccer For Hope Center" in Katatura invited. Since there was a show game of the kids and lots of speeches by important people, such as: representatives of Fifa and the Vice President.
Am Sonntag haben wir von einem einheimischen Freund sowie seiner Gang eine private Tour durchs Township bekommen und somit Ecken gesehen, wo mal allein eher nicht hinkommt und auch besser nicht hinkommen sollte. Das war schon sehr schockierend unter welchen Umständen die Menschen leben und eine eindrucksvolle Demonstration, dass Namibia die größten Einkommensunterschiede weltweit aufweist. 

Derzeit ist hier in Windhoek auch so eine Art Rummel. Den haben wir gestern Abend besucht, sind ein paar der Attraktionen gefahren, konnten Austellungen der verschiedenen Laender Afrikas bewundern und spaeter am Abend trat auch noch eine richtig gute Band auf.  Heute Nachmittag starte ich mit 3 weiteren deutschen Mädels und unserem  Mietwagen in Richtung Norden.  In der Nacht auf den Freitag werden wir irgendwo unterwegs campen um dann hoffentlich Freitag Morgen den Etosha Park zu erreichen. Das ist einer der besten Nationalparks in Afrika was die Tierbeobachtung angeht. Und mit dem Ende der Trockenzeit haben wir uns wohl die beste Zeit des Jahres rausgesucht, weil dann alle Tiere zu den wenigen noch vorhandenen Wasserlöchern strömen und man somit gute Chancen hat, viele verschiedene Arten auf einmal zu sehen. Während die 3 Mädels am Sonntag wieder zurück nach Windhoek fahren, ist mein Plan von Tsumeb aus weiter zu den Viktoria Fällen zu kommen. Das wird ein etwas abenteuerliches Unterfangen, da ich während der 1000 km Strecke nach Livingstone (Sambia) ungefähr 4 mal den Minibus wechseln werden muss. Dafür verspricht der Weg entlang der Grenzen von Angola, Botswana und Simbabwe landschaftlich sehr reizvoll zu werden.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Best And Least Expensive Prosumer Camcorder

Typisch Afrika

Verkehrsregeln werden in Afrika etwas anders definiert
Beeindrucken wie leicht afrikanische Kinder zu begeistern sind, wie hier von ein paar Eiswuerfeln.
und fotografiert werden die meisten auch unglaublich gern.

Ueberall wo man im Township hinkommt sieht man Kinder.
die traditionelle Herero Kleidung
Eine der unendlich vielen Wellblechhuettenbars im Township (Shebbeen genannt). Alkohol ist hier ein riesen Problem
der neue Handtaschen Style ;)
Afrikanischer Friseursalon
Township, electricity and water nil

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Do People Shower With Yarn Bracelets On?

3 Tage im Namib Naukluft Park

This weekend, the more tourist travel was announced. With a few people from the hostel we went Friday morning in southwest direction. The following 3 days we should be shaken well on gravel roads as far as that broke after 2 hours, the rear window in millions of parts. With a few cardboard boxes and duct tape was improvised. The first objective was the Spreetshoogte Pass, with spectacular views from nearly 2000m altitude.

Next we went to Solitaire. The local bakery is famous for her apple pie. Not bad, but good German apple pie is still better.

the early evening we arrived at our campsite in
Camp Agama, in the middle of nowhere between the Naukluft mountains and desert. A dip in the pool, a great sunset and a delicious Dinner followed, before sleep fairly early was announced.

4:30 the next morning the alarm clock rang. The goal was the sunrise in the desert to see. However, we went to the Toröffnungszeiten National Park a spanner in the works, the outer door opened 6:30, the inner 6.00 - African logic!. In the National Park you could then only with a 4x4 safari vehicles are on the road, including local driver. And the daily number of visitors is limited. First we climbed the dune, 45th two steps forward, one back.

Further increases to as Big Daddy dune followed. And walks to and Deadvlei Sosussvlei.

And something of the Namibian wildlife could spied be oryx and ostriches.

Finally, we still got down to the Sesriem Canyon, which is filled with water during the rainy season.

The evening we were at camp, relaxing with a glass of wine, get comfortable. On Sunday we went back to the Holperstraßen to Windhoek, this time without incident.
Currently I can not imagine in 3 weeks to be back in cold Germany. From work on I may occasionally with in meetings, sometimes as a scribe, sometimes because I'm German. I feel very Windhoek consists of NGO's with me is not always clear in some, what is their task.
And the hours of work are full and could not be more different. Thus for example, last Tuesday went to a few people from the DED in a bar in TownhsipKatatura including bodyguard escort. In the fast food restaurant next door was then once the culinary "delicacy" worm cost (Ugh!). On Wednesday I took my then boss at Rotary Club meeting in a super chic wine bar in the richer parts of the city of Windhoek. And more often than in the hostel I'm currently in the WG (including pool and terrace overlooking Windhoek) of 2 German friends. While residing in Katatura, but with round the clock security guard is not a problem. Since I have to laugh sometimes at myself, if I so shaky visit with plastic bag in his hand and just taxi money in your pocket through the township around the two.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Ricky Lopez Club Nokia


In Namibia there are surprisingly many travel opportunities. Probably the African I've tried over the weekend. From a park in Windhoek small buses in all directions of the country. , Will take you to the meeting that, in with the list and wait until enough people have found that a bus is full. And the Africans definitely have a different understanding of "full". 18 people have been forced into this Kleinbuss. In Germany they would have taken half. Comfortable is definitely something else. But for that to get there for 10 € of Windhoek on the 400 km from the West Coast and is not being given out entire life stories. The Africans are in fact nothing of it in a huge volume 2 hours to entertain the entire bus with her phone call.

Friday night I arrived in the Sky Dessert Backpackers in Swakopmund. Unfortunately it was too dark for a little more than a pizzeria to see from the city. On Saturday I had booked sandboarding. From the hostel we went to the Namib desert, which adjoins the city limit sign of Swakopmund. Since that morning had no further interest in snowboarding, so I could enjoy private lessons.
The scenery was beautiful, with the Atlantic Ocean on one side and sand dunes as far as the eye can see the other side.

Before it could go off, the dunes had to climb first to be managed on foot. Also had to be rubbed with wax before every departure, the board. But it comes in quickly and get on it also neatly speed. not

This one, however, as the board stops at snowboarding, but rather that it is waiting anhällt by itself, and that sand is really soft as snow, I was starting to feel something painful in which I in were literally fell on the nose: nose bleeding and ne felt concussion. Happened ;) After 4 hours dunes up and down dunes, we went back to the city. Swakopmund is a totally cute little town, probably the perfect setting for a Sunday ZDF film. In Africa points out, however in the inner city is not too much, except maybe the numerous craft shops and pushy street vendors.
Otherwise, you will feel like in a Nordseebadort, with the difference that you can not swim. First, the water is too cold and the other the high waves, strong currents and sharks occur occasionally make things a little dangerous.
showed me the evening, Mr. Sand Board Instructor (I forget here name in the same moment as I hear) the Swakopmund Nightlife, both the downtown and the the township. After one, at least for me as a "white" rather scary visit to a nightclub in the township I was very glad when we landed in the club with a stylish name to green wreath "in the inner city. There I also met Eileen, an exchange student in Cape Town, with whom I shared my room in the hostel and I met a week ago, already at the hostel in Windhoek.
We heard repeatedly that German was spoken and so it should not be surprising that, among other Doctors ran. Still kind of strange In mid in Namibia. Unlike Germany, however, went up 2 the light and the party was over.

Originally I wanted to go on Sunday morning, a round of Quad in the desert. However, as I was incredibly sore and could not turn my head, I decided that probably would be not a very good idea. Besides, it was pretty foggy that day and cold (at least if one is accustomed Windheoker the weather). So I walked a bit with Eileen through the city, paid the German Bakery a visit in the afternoon and then drove back together by van to Windhoek.