Saturday, September 5, 2009

How Can I Unblock A Game On My Computer

Good bye Gudu

After two months of the loving care of Anne and Gert Gudula latter unfortunately passed away. Their hemiparesis had progressed so much that they lost all their leaves. There is Annegert the better. You get just two new leaves and it looks like they will continue to grow. The water gets good Mainz her also. Likewise, the Advantageous window seat.
The DVD is also in progress. So far, 7 DVD-boxes ready. Until Wednesday again another 6 DVD boxes will be ready. Since the five films do not go to DVD, there is a box with two DVDs at a price of 3.50. I prefer to get my expenses covered. In particular, the burning of DVDs takes a long time, because I can not copy. Nero can supposedly do not read the DVDs, so I have no alternative but to burn them all individually. It could, until the meeting in November everything will be ready. Therefore, please be understanding.
The DVDs you will find:
  • LIZZY TV report - "Panther in paradise - a musical dance theater"
  • LIZZY TV report - "In the flood - Noah's Ark with children"
  • Ways to Happiness (movie version)
  • Vallendar - The Movie (CV)
  • Delited Scenes Vallendar
PS: If you thought the real Gudu was dead, then you have unfortunately had bad luck. The fact is as tough as weeds ...