Friday, December 4, 2009

Is The Word 'fur' Plural

Advents-und Weihnachtszeit

wishes all a blessed Advent, hamburgers and many memories of our common fantastic trip. Anyone interested in learning more about Christmas in Germany, will find lots of information and songs.

(advent of the Berlin Centre for Studies: This takes you into the Christmas advent of the 19th century Berlin and provides you forgotten traditions and recipes before.
(ideas for home-made advent calendar )
Christmas markets
(Christmas markets in Germany)
(History of Gingerbread)
(Christmas market in Nuremberg. This page is also an interactive site at page = pg_weihnachten_daf )

(Interactive Christmas story)
(Christmas songs with melody, notes and text)
(from A Christmas to Z)
(site for children with craft ideas and more)
(Christmas side of the blind search cow for children)
(Christmas handicrafts)
(Comprehensive site with recipes for Christmas , Weihnachtschronik, einer interaktiven Weihnachtsreise und mehr.)
(Bilder und Berichte aus Städten weihnachtlich geschmückten)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Garettes Vs Nuts On Clarks

14. Tag Museen und Musical Tomás N.

Arrived finally the last day before returning to Lisbon! And even got it right! Got it with a return to the schoolyard, running, the teachers made us do, after the delay of these (teachers).
After this little run we had to sing songs in German and the teachers said they were going to do with a bit of mystery, because they said we were going to some museums (did not say which) and we would be doing a "fotoralley" in which we had to answer some questions about some items that we had to shoot.
Following this we went to the museum of miniatures, but first we stopped at St.Michael tower to answer the first question of "fotoralley. We had to know what was playing at ten in the tower St.Michael. It was someone who played the trumpet at the top of the tower.
In the museum of miniatures was represented Switzerland, Scandinavia and Austria. Hamburg was also represented, Miami, Las Vegas, and Knuffingen Harz. Also there, some of us, talked with some gentlemen of 2 meters and asked to take a picture with them.
After lunch in the canteen of the college, went to the spice museum, where we heard a lecture on some spices. After this lecture we saw the museum, where was the spice that we could prove. Mafalda AB and Mariana proved more spice spicy (it was called "bird eyes chillies). They were very upset.
Then we went to a cafe where we had dinner. Soon after we went by boat to the other side of the river to see the musical "Der Konig Der Lowen," Disney. It was very well done. It was awesome!
Then we went, each to the home of his companion. This
foi o dia que eu mais gostei.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Dora The Explorer Sound Bites

15. Tag: Abschied und Rückflug nach Lissabon

This morning we were tired again, this has something to do with the king lion dr ...
How fast time flies!
have this morning we met no longer in school, but in the Hamburg airport. There, we had to check in our luggage - which had multiplied since our arrival in Hamburg in a mysterious way ... The three teachers Susan, Andrea and Pedro had a lot went to a lot of baggage and luggage nur schwer zu: Alles Weihnachtsgeschenke (...und Bücher... und neue Pullover... und Schokolade...).

Der Abschied von den Hamburgern fiel allen schwer, auch wenn wir uns auf unsere "echten" Familien in Lissabon freuten. Das Flugzeug steuerten diesmal die Teixeira-Schwestern im Cockpit, und die Landung in Lissabon war viel besser als die in Hamburg...
Am Flughafen warteten schon unsere Familien auf uns - ich denke, wir haben alle viel zu erzählen!

Bis morgen früh!
Eine gute Nacht wünscht euch

Average Cost For Lobster Bake Wedding

Konzentrationslager Neuengamme (carolina)

We met at school in the morning and then we took the Metro into the field where it finally arrived Neuengamme bus.
This concentration camp was not extermination but the guards knew that a prisoner survive the hard labor for a period of approximately six months. The environment in the field was terrible because the guards were almost a "countdown" until the prisoner dies. The Jews in concentration camps were treated as objects just because of racial prejudice. They had no rights and could no longer work when they killed us in gas chambers. After dying were dragged to a bulldozer for a pit. Other times they were forced to make a pit after a guard gave them a head shot, they fell into the pit and the others cover his it.

There was a boy of 17 years when they entered the camp said it looked like another planet. His friend said he only survived 3 months and that's what happened.
We also heard a case of a boy who was taken from their parents and forced him to work on a farm. He set fire to try to escape a barn and burned straw bales and is therefore sent to a concentration camp where he was forced to work as an adult. After he was tried and sentenced to death. The Field Museum of concentration are the two last letters to his parents. The teachers read us letters and we were very impressed.
this day have seen and heard terrible things the Germans want to keep alive in order to prevent their recurrence.

this visit we were in the company of our partners and when we return to school was one each for their home.

Kusa Otome Valkyrie 2 - Oav

15. Tag Tschüss! Guilherme

Today we returned to Portugal! The time now
correr.A most "burgers" thought you had the best time in Hamburgo.A parting was very painful because we had established ties with our partners and their families. I loved being in Hamburg, was an amazing experience and I will always be in touch with Simon (my partner). I think this will be a story to tell your grandchildren.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Can Foil Stop Electromagnetic Field?


Bald endet unsere Reise. Wir wünschen von jedem ein some feedback.

1. Text im Blog einen bis 18.12.2009 veröffentlichen:
Was mir am besten gefallen hat? Was finde
anders im Vergleich zu Hamburg in Lissabon? Meine
3 Lieblingsfotos
2. Eine Collage bis 15.01.2010 anfertigen und bei den Lehrerinnen abgeben.

Slogan For Healthy Eating School Project

13. Tag Bullenhuser Damm, Eisbahn, offizielle Verabschiedung ( Tiago)

Mais um dia e já só faltam dois para nos despedirmos. Hoje de manh ã acordei mal devido aos efeitos do comprimido que sou obrigado a tomar. Também devido ao efeito dos mesmos comprimidos dormi durante uma prolongada explica ç ão acerca de 20 miudos que vieram do campo de concentra ç ã o de Auschwitz Neuengamme to where they underwent experimental ences.

These were less than thirteen years and some months later were taken to a school (we visited) where they died.

Today also returned to the ice rink where everyone skated for 2 hours. It is very unfortunate that I say this because I lost the contest of "who falls more often" for Tomás Noronha. The track was changed in half and we had to wait over twenty minutes due to an error in one of the machines that changed the ice. We returned to school and waited there by the parents of our partners to make a snack.
At the end of the Portuguese snack sang several Can ç s in German ã the , Portuguese ê is English. Then we went to a Christmas show in which past and tasted Rathaus some delicious crepes while parents were our partners in friendly atmosphere. When I returned to school had yet to discover it was decided by Sergio n will go to the fair. now I'm home to get information ç will this box where you write things that appear on the blog to total tr ê s pages (see dictionary Portugu ê s -Manuel Hatchet ê s) "borrowed" by my father and so n ã him stay grounded.

Ps. this is the only information
ç will truly and the rest is conversation


Pain In Stomach And Peeing A Lot

Grüße von Madalena Fontoura

Dear hamburgers, I wrote you a nice little text full of love on Friday afternoon but the second I realized by your Teachers love that was more efficient and do not shout reached you. I'll try to say all the same. Here goes:

has been a joy following your adventure through the blog and the news of your parents. Some of your texts are really engraçadaos and amuse me greatly to read them. I only wanted to be there (hence my hatred known to Professor Peter Picoito for not having the courtesy to twist a leg before the match so I can go. Of course then I would not give much help in history, but now it does not comes in case ...). Abram
me those eyes and ears, we'll cover you with questions when they arrive. Do not forget that every person encountered is a gift of Jesus and you too are a gift the lives of the meet. Are responsible for these fantastic meetings and do not waste. And enjoy fine until the last minute. Here you expect. Bjs

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Volleyball Spandex Strip

12.Tag des Herrn und die typischen Deutschen (Tomás Neves)

Another Sunday, who would say! The time here is running.
Today is another one of those days that goes all day with these fantastic families, (or at least almost all).
woke up and dressed and then take your breakfast was fantastic (and still ate a croissant on top) and of course to accompany a glass of milk.
Em seguida, como hoje é Domingo fui á missa no kleiner Michel ás 11:30 da manha. Assistimos a uma missa com um coro fantástico, ao qual faziam parte um pianista fantástico e nós,e um padre ao gosto da professora Andrea e da professora Susanne.
Só digo que a professora Susanne teve a falar imenso com o padre e chegou á conclusao que o padre era da mesma zona da Alemanha que a professora e por isso é claro a professora teve que dizer a toda a gente que o padre era da sua zona e que conhecia muito bem a sua cidade.
Em seguida ou quer dizer depois das voltas que demos to choose a restaurant for lunch, Professor Andrea, Professor Susanne, Professor Peter Picoito and I finally chose to go to lunch at a restaurant in the shopping center Europa Pass, we had lunch there every fish was delicious and though we started the typically German and history text only say that Professor Peter Picoito just laughed and the teachers had their eyes go wide on me.
At the end of lunch came to mind and of course had to come badly done and who's next?? Is Professor Susanne with your calculator say that the bill is poorly made and which is already the second time this has happened in Germany, and of course what he called the police this é tipico da professora Susanne, e claro que chegei á conclusao que alguns alemaes nao sabem fazer contas e facturas sem ofenca, e claro que as minhas professoras de Alemao estam fora deste plano principalmente a professora Susanne que acho que tinha jeito para fazer parte da policia judiciária.
Logo a seguir as professoras foram-me deixar a casa com aquela cara é claro lá se vái a melga(isto é tipico da professora de história) felizmente, e o professor de história a lamentar-se porque infelizmente nao vai poder-se rir mais hoje.
Ás d e Z p the r the s the three went to see a movie called Arthur and the Minimoys to 2.
Aseguir went home and here I am.
During the day even more funny things happened, but I think th arrives today.

M the i s u m the c the i s the p and s s the d and s c u l pa p the r this the the s teachers, but you know how I am.

Thomas Cassiano Neves

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Wording For Black And White Birthday Invitations

11.Tag Familientag - Dia com as Famílias von Beatriz

And since spent another day with the families! These are days of my favorites because the families are great! Today is Saturday
as I woke up and enjoyed later. Then after a delicious breakfast went out with Bruna Hauptbahnhof. To go there we went by bus and u-bahn. In Hauptbahnhof we met Stella, a friend of Bruno.
Then we started our shopping. I had to buy things for my friends and my family and they have a friend who's birthdays for the week were then decided to buy a perfume for him. We have entered a supermarket and
fartámo us and try to smell perfumes. But there was not any suficientemante that smelled good.
Then we went to Saturn, a Fnac store type only much bigger.
Then we went to a giant perfume and stayed there so long that when we left we were about to see things in the wheel!
At one point we noticed we were starving so we were at a chinese restaurant and we brought food to go eat on the way (the Germans have lunch a lot in public places and ate lunch there all the same Chinese food!).
Then they decided to lead and aftershave.
It was past 4 pm when the Bruno and I went home with shopping. Later still came back out to a supermarket because I still lacked one thing for my manos.
When you finish writing my text I'll make dinner and then cotton candy ...
At 10 hours (9 in Portugal) I see the Sporting-Benfica! Being in the house of a staunch Benfica (good person, therefore) could not fail to see the big game! So long I
sending kisses to everyone because I'm already getting homesick! I also like to thank the families who are hosting us in a wonderful way and show us a different culture from ours.

Beatriz de Andrade Pestana

Friday, November 27, 2009

Ontario Dot Personalized Plates Availability

10. Tag Konzentrationslager Neuengamme Carolina

ohne Worte

We met at school in the morning and then we took the Metro into the field where it finally arrived Neuengamme bus.

This concentration camp was not extermination but the guards knew that a prisoner survive the hard labor for a period of approximately six months. The environment in the field was terrible because the guards were almost a "countdown" until the prisoner dies. The Jews in concentration camps were treated as objects just because of racial prejudice. They had no rights and could no longer work when they killed them in gas chambers. After dying were dragged to a bulldozer for a pit. Other times they were forced to make a pit after a guard gave them a head shot, they fell into the pit and the others cover his it.

There was a boy of 17 years when they entered the camp said it looked like another planet. His friend said he only survived 3 months and that's what happened.

We also heard a case of a boy who was removed parents and forced him to work on a farm. He set fire to try to escape a barn and burned straw bales and is therefore sent to a concentration camp where he was forced to work as an adult. After he was tried and sentenced to death. The Field Museum of concentration are the two last letters to his parents. The teachers read us letters and we were very impressed.

this day have seen and heard terrible things the Germans want to keep alive in order to prevent their recurrence.

this visit we were in the company of our partners and when we return to school was one each for their home.

Lady Doctor Checking A Dick

9. Tag: Stadtrundfahrt and city tour (Mafalda) Day 9

It's already Thursday and I still could not get used to the hours of Germany. That sooner rather than throw me, waking up every morning at 5:30 the morning of Portugal is too much for me. However, I would not trade it even for two hours of sleep love what we do so little these days, but so full of fun activities and so different. I'm home from eighth grader named Kevin. Portuguese family has a small, but very friendly and welcoming. This morning after we arrived at the school, reunirmonos as is normal in a room. I was there that tevemos a brief introduction to what we were going to do during the day. We also had an explanation of Prof. Peter Picoito on the Second World War and after a lot of fun and great conversations we set the path. This time we visit the most "chic" which I think is the most beautiful city. We went by coach which gave the optimal menod Tues umja impression that part of Hamburg. For me and I'm sure by Professor Susanne also not cared to have anything there at least three houses! Immediately after the lunch, we visited some houses that had been built in the 17th century having survived the great fire and the World Wars. I thought these houses very funny, but I did not like living there because they were very wee! On this tour there were also some girls (who better not mention names) who insisted on buying some souvenirs. Not only for the family, but mostly for themselves. Already after classes are over and many have gone to their homes, Mariana PG, the Beatrix P. and I went for a stroll through the city. guides in this visit we were the Portuguese, who had to lead the group and are saved the house through several major sites. Although we have lost twice, we got the whole house. It was really fun and we had to speak German with several people on the street, not only to rediscover our way, but also to find some sites needed these visits: Expensive stores and bathrooms. I really enjoyed those days and I'm sure you will like even more the next, although he was dying of nostalgia. Now I have to go to bed to see if tomorrow I'm more awake! Thank you all for this wonderful trip possible.
Mafalda AB

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Play Saved Pokemon Games Online

diverse city tour by bus

Wir trafen a few 8:00 Uhr in der Schule. Zuerst werteten wir die Partnerinterviews aus, danach wir mehr über die erfuhren Konzentrationslager des 2. Weltkriegs, denn wir fahren morgen nach Neuengamme.
Mit the bus we got the entire city of Hamburg to know better. From the train station where we met Teresa, after her yesterday Eissturz, started the city tour. We saw the warehouse district, jetties, the same tunnel, the St. Nikolai Church, the wheel house, Michaelis Church, the most expensive hotels and beautiful villas in Hamburg, the Reeperbahn, the internal and outer Alster lake and the Iranian mosque. Gänsemarkt we got out and walked over a small Christmas market and tried the typical German Christmas Stollen cake. In the afternoon we saw the Krameramtsstuben.
In Hamburg, most commonly found on the red brick building, the Rathaus wurde von verschiedenen Architekten gebaut, die an der Cholera starben. Deshalb erkennt man den Neoklassizismus, der verbindet Baustile 3-Barock, Renaissance und Jugendstil.